OEDEM 2006

During “weekend” (Thursday — Sunday) I was in Berlin, Germany where OEDEM took place. It was nice to finally meet people whom I know via Internet for years.

OEDEM 2006 people
OEDEM 2006 people

From left to right:

We had many discussions about important OpenEmbedded things like problems, policies, creating some kind of OpenEmbedded Foundation for managing domains, trademarks, donations etc. Some of results are already happening:

openembedded-issues with information from bugtracker — openembedded-users for all normal users which are not ready yet for openembedded-devel list — openembedded-announce for announcing

More stuff will follow soon. I’m going to write documentation about task-base stuff, how to switch distro/machine to use it etc.

oedem openembedded