129 articles tagged openembedded

May 2024
1. Twenty years of OpenEmbedded membership
May 2021
20. My twenty plus years of IRC
September 2020
23. 8 years of my work on AArch64
February 2020
11. My whole career is built on FOSS
4. FOSDEM 2020
March 2015
12. 96 boards again?
February 2015
9. 96boards?
October 2014
8. 2 years of AArch64 work
May 2014
7. 10 years ago I got write access to OpenEmbedded
February 2014
14. AArch64 can build OpenEmbedded
11. It is 10 years of Linux on ARM for me
October 2013
26. From the diary of AArch64 porter — autoconf
September 2013
9. My own company started 8th year today
July 2013
4. On my own again
May 2013
9. State of Linaro layers for OpenEmbedded
March 2013
11. Linaro Connect Asia 2013 was fun
February 2013
27. AArch64 port of Debian/Ubuntu is alive!
11. Nine years of embedded Linux
5. FOSDEM 2013
January 2013
29. Boot AArch64 in easy way
17. AArch64 porting update
11. Doing OpenEmbedded builds in RAM
7. Started X11 on AArch64
November 2012
1. It is hard to write job description when you are leaving
October 2012
25. AArch64 for everyone
8. ARM 64-bit porting for OpenEmbedded
September 2012
2. Finally applied for Debian Maintainer
July 2012
13. Unbricked my old SheevaPlug
10. OpenEmbedded again
November 2011
4. I got interviewed during Linaro Connect
May 2011
13. UDS-O
April 2010
8. What makes a good developer board?
March 2010
19. How time flies…
10. BUG 2.0 arrived
February 2010
23. Gource + OpenEmbedded
November 2009
21. Some OpenEmbedded/Poky tricks
13. Poky Linux 3.1.2 released
12. Back from OEDEM 2009
October 2009
27. ELC-E 2009
21. I am now OpenEmbedded e.V. member
19. ST-Ericsson Community Workshop 2009
August 2009
27. OEDEM 2009
4. NHK15 arrived
July 2009
14. 2.6.30 on AT91 board from Atmel
2. Embedded package managers sucks
June 2009
29. Palm SDK has leaked
25. I am on the LinuxTag
22. Palm Pre and OpenEmbedded
4. EP93xx fight continued…
March 2009
18. Five years with OpenEmbedded
January 2009
22. How to install additional software into your OE generated rootfs
November 2008
28. Unpacked Progear
October 2008
24. Merging stuff from Poky into OpenEmbedded
22. My private buildbot
17. Updates
1. How much RAM/HDD is enough?
August 2008
12. What do I do for living
July 2008
17. Using Poky SDK to build software
1. Packaged staging and what it gives
May 2008
23. LinkedIn and checking email addresses
April 2008
7. Speeding up BitBake builds
March 2008
4. Poky Linux 3.1 released
February 2008
2. My palmtops story
December 2007
4. Recent Poky changes
November 2007
12. Zaurus machines starts to be obsolete…
October 2007
23. Handhelds.org fork of kernel…
9. OEDEM 2007: day 4
8. OEDEM 2007: day 3
August 2007
23. Why using of DISTRO/MACHINE variables in local.conf is wrong
7. PC Engines Alix1c arrived
6. My OpenEmbedded related trips
1. Poky Linux 3.0 released
July 2007
16. GUADEC - day 0
12. GUADEC: preparations to travel
June 2007
21. Extracting diffs from vendor kernels
9. Small does not mean powerless
1. Goodbye handhelds.org
May 2007
15. NSLU2 joined under-desk machines
April 2007
26. OpenZaurus time is over - long live Ångström
19. Pingwinaria 2007
18. Dell D400 arrived
17. Collie and SD/MMC support under 2.6 kernel
12. End of support for Nokia770?
4. 3 years of OpenEmbedded and me
March 2007
12. Programming tools which I use
5. My Neo1973 has been sent
February 2007
25. FOSDEM 2007
11. OpenMoko release day
2. Planets
January 2007
28. Congratulations: You Have Won a Free Neo1973!
23. Free Your Phone
15. Pingwinaria 2007
14. Openmoko developers program
12. Zaurus line officially ended
December 2006
18. Self hosted Ångström build
15. Job change
12. How to use task-base
November 2006
25. Project for writing GPL driver for 8385 Marvell wifi chipset
22. My OpenEmbedded environment II
15. CompactFlash 802.11g card
10. I got Progear 1050HX+ webpad
8. OpenMoKo phone
October 2006
31. 30 months of OpenEmbedded and me
30. Machine power
19. Prezentacja
17. RPM is Really Poorly Maintained
15. OpenEmbedded documentation day
11. OEDEM 2006
September 2006
21. One step closer to OEDEM
12. HaeRWu created
August 2006
3. Private support emails
July 2006
10. Tosa and 2.6 kernel
6. We made it!
4. Tosa USB experiences
June 2006
30. First days using Tosa/2.4
27. OE/OZ project devices arrived
17. OpenZaurus status
14. Handling PCMCIA/CF cards in Linux
May 2006
26. AMD64 - switch to it or not?
5. Serial cable for Zaurus
March 2006
29. I have Ir keyboard
18. OpenZaurus 3.5.4 released
17. CFXGA card util
February 2006
13. Two years with Zaurus
October 2005
31. My OpenEmbedded enviroment
28. CompactFlash database
May 2005
17. makeqpf
8. Year with OpenEmbedded