1. Snow

    Today I saw 4°C and light (very light) snowing outside.. Brrr.. winter is going back?

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  2. Bluetooth and C760

    In Monday I got BlueTooth CF card from lardman. Getting it to connect with my desktop equipped with USB BlueTooth dongle was pain… until I restarted Zaurus — after this they both connect and works ok. Now I can surf the web without any cables :)

    Hint for those who will try the same — in Debian all what I had to do was switching “pand” ON in /etc/default/bluez-utils — then some work on configuring “bnep0” on both sides and it works.

    Next step will be WiFi — but first I have to buy WiFi card for my desktop. But who knows.. maybe first I will try to bridge “usb0” with “bnep0” to have one connection nevermind which method of connection I will use..

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  3. New OZ website

    During weekend I finally moved OpenZaurus website to Wordpress. It looks similiar to this site as I’m admin there.

    I hope that it will get more attention from users…

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  4. C760 arrived

    In wednesday I got mail from customs — my C760 arrived and I have to pay 22% VAT. Today I was there, spent 216 PLN (88 AUD) on VAT and got my new toy.

    C760 looks nice but original Japanese ROM is hard to use so I started from flashing OZ 3.5.3 on it. OPIE looks nice in VGA resolution :) After fixing all misc “why it is so small” problems I started to install software installed on my “collie” and still had >20MiB free space on / — it’s great to not have to use SD/CF card to keep applications.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  5. Wrist brace

    Today I started to use wrist brace on my left hand. It limit my hand movement a lot (I cannot write as fast as before on keyboard) but pain was gone.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  6. I will have C760 :)

    Thx to Richard Jackson I will have Sharp Zaurus C760 PDA with some extra hardware. This will allow me to extend my work on OpenZaurus with supporting also 2.6 kernel.

    Thought it was about time I gave something back to the community and it seems like everyone would benfit if you had a bit more kit to test on so I have decided to donate my 760 along with a 256 sd card and a D-Link DCF-660W wireless card plus a bluetooth USB dongle.

    Today is a great day :)

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  7. Poszukiwana klawiatura

    W związku z problemami z nadgarstkami poszukuję sprawnej nieuszkodzonej klawiatury Microsoft Natural Keyboard Elite (najchętniej 2 sztuki). Mam już taką jedną i pisze mi się na niej wygodniej niż na zwykłej klawiaturze. Jednak by miało to sens muszę mieć jedną w domu a drugą w pracy (trzecia pójdzie do Ani do pracy).

    Microsoft Natural Keyboard
    Microsoft Natural Keyboard

    Poszukuję dokładnie tej wersji gdyż jest to chyba ostatnia klawiatura Microsoftu z normalnym obłożeniem klawiszy. Następne mają kursory w kształcie “+” zamiast odwróconego “T” a jestem zbyt przyzwyczajony do normalnego layoutu.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  8. Pages cleaning

    Today I created cleaner structure of all “Pages”, They are now split into Polish one and English one. “OPIE i TTF” is now translated to English — maybe someone find it useful (write a comment about it).

    I also wrote page about donations.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
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