1. googled

    I noticed that googling for “OPIE Truetype” or “OPIE TTF” gives my page in first link — it’s nice :)

    I hope that many users will find that usefull.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  2. Wordpress rule

    I started using Wordpress as a base of my website, then moved OpenZaurus website to WP. Today Mickeyl asked me few questions about it because he is considering to use wordpress on his site, then few other guys…

    Wordpress rule ;)

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  3. Po polsku czy po angielsku?

    Wczoraj jedna znajoma zapytała co u mnie słychać. Pogadaliśmy chwilę i podałem jej linka do tej strony. Padło pytanie czemu nie piszę po polsku.

    Tak więc czemu ten serwis jest w tak dużym stopniu po angielsku? W zasadzie od jakiegoś czasu coraz więcej dyskusji toczę w języku angielskim — głównie ze względu na projekty, którymi zajmuję się w tzw. “wolnym czasie”. Jest to OpenEmbedded, OpenZaurus, OPIE i wszystko co z nimi związane. Co prawda jest nieco osób w Polsce zainteresowanych tematem ale jak na razie spotkałem ich raptem kilka — padło kilka pytań jak zrobić to i tamto na Zaurusie czy IPaq. Z niektórych odpowiedzi skleciłem teksty, które widać w menu (w obu językach).

    Kto wie — może zacznę pisać częściej w obu językach?

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  4. Snow

    Today I saw 4°C and light (very light) snowing outside.. Brrr.. winter is going back?

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  5. Bluetooth and C760

    In Monday I got BlueTooth CF card from lardman. Getting it to connect with my desktop equipped with USB BlueTooth dongle was pain… until I restarted Zaurus — after this they both connect and works ok. Now I can surf the web without any cables :)

    Hint for those who will try the same — in Debian all what I had to do was switching “pand” ON in /etc/default/bluez-utils — then some work on configuring “bnep0” on both sides and it works.

    Next step will be WiFi — but first I have to buy WiFi card for my desktop. But who knows.. maybe first I will try to bridge “usb0” with “bnep0” to have one connection nevermind which method of connection I will use..

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  6. New OZ website

    During weekend I finally moved OpenZaurus website to Wordpress. It looks similiar to this site as I’m admin there.

    I hope that it will get more attention from users…

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  7. C760 arrived

    In wednesday I got mail from customs — my C760 arrived and I have to pay 22% VAT. Today I was there, spent 216 PLN (88 AUD) on VAT and got my new toy.

    C760 looks nice but original Japanese ROM is hard to use so I started from flashing OZ 3.5.3 on it. OPIE looks nice in VGA resolution :) After fixing all misc “why it is so small” problems I started to install software installed on my “collie” and still had >20MiB free space on / — it’s great to not have to use SD/CF card to keep applications.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  8. Wrist brace

    Today I started to use wrist brace on my left hand. It limit my hand movement a lot (I cannot write as fast as before on keyboard) but pain was gone.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
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