One month ago one user reported bug: Mileage cannot be resized and is to small for tosa. Few days ago I decided to take a look (as a break from OpenZaurus release work). It’s GUI is nightmare — looks like author never ever read how to make UI using normal toolkits.. After some time with QT Designer 2 (which suxx badly) I got something which behave but still need love (and patching application) because it looks OK in VGA modes (landscape/portrait) but does not fit on QVGA landscape..

Now time to think what to do with it…
- Sending patches upstream? Author is not interested in any VGA work.
- Maintaining separate version? I do not have time for such things
- Releasing patches and wait for someone to resolve it?
- Wait for someone desperate enough to work on it?
mileagebase.ui | 3832
mileageimport.ui | 613
mileagekeypad.ui | 533
3 files changed, 2385 insertions(+), 2593 deletions(-)