Localizing Maemo

By default N810 comes with few translations of interface, on-screen keyboard layouts and hardware keyboards (BT and N810 internal) layouts. The problem starts when user wants to add own ones.

Getting regional settings was simplest — grab proper package from Ångström and unpack it into Maemo file system. This gave me “PL_pl” settings. But how to get it to display “Polski” instead of “PL_pl”? No docs for it. Filled bug.

Hardware keyboard is next thing. As this is normal X11 keyboard user can edit /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-44 file contents. But again — no docs on how to make user keyboard available in “Control Panel -> Text Input settings”. It looks like list is hardcoded in closed source application. There are Russian alternative layouts but they change original Russian layout or Scandinavian or even English one. And according to Tomas Junnonen’s post there is only Left Shift key (right Shift is also Left Shift) so no way to use one of them as extra modifier ;( Additionally there are no informations how to edit list of characters available after pressing ‘Chr’ hardware key. Also filled a bug.

It is 4th version of Maemo — I thought that they solved at least part of localization stuff…

n810 nokia