Nine years of Linaro

Nine years ago at 11:00 a group of developers gathered in a small room. I was one of them and did not knew anyone from a group before entering the room.

The meeting took place in Dolce La Hulpe Hotel and Resort in a village close to Brussels, Belgium. It was on first day of UDS-M.

This was the first meeting of NewCo developers. The organization now known as Linaro.

I do not remember who exactly was at that meeting so will not provide a list. We introduced ourselves, got some knowledge of who is who’s boss and what we will do from now. I just told “I’ll do what my boss (pointing to Steve Langasek) orders me to” as I was tired after whole night train trip.

For me this was the real beginning of Linaro. Not June 2010 when (at Computex) it was announced to the world. Neither 26th April 2010 — a day when I started working for Canonical as NewCo engineer.

linaro ubuntu