1. OpenZaurus 3.5.4 releasing…

    Mickeyl just gave me info that all packages were built and uploaded to EWI (our primary mirror). Whole OpenZaurus 3.5.4 takes 1.9 GiB of storage space (packages + images).

    Today I will create feeds, check does they are OK and will prepare some kind of changelog.

    Tomorrow release!

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  2. CFXGA card util

    Few days ago kados on #openzaurus asked me about support for CF-XGA card under OpenZaurus. I googled and found kernel driver for card and source of few tools. Card API is simple (few ioctl() calls), card itself is simple too — few resolutions available, VGA/Composite/S-Video output and 800x600 in 16bits.

    Kernel module needed patching (as usual) but finally I got it built and it works on device (Sharp Zaurus SL-6000 ‘tosa’). Small utils which I built also works.

    But yesterday I started own tool for that card. It is simple but now it has functionality of few other tools and will improve when I will find some free time.

    UPDATE: got display ;) 480x480 for now instead of 480x640 but thats some kind of display ;)

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  3. Styling website

    Today I tried to change website look a bit — those Technorati tags, related posts things… Looks like sooner or later I will probably work on totally new theme which will take care of some parts.

    Things to consider: how to show Technorati tags, my own categories, related posts, post meta infos… It need checking blogs of other people, open designs etc…

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  4. OpenZaurus 3.5.4 tagged

    I just pushed all things which I wanted to get in OpenZaurus 3.5.4 release. Some things left unfixed but I really, really want to get this released — we could fix bugs later via upgrades.

    It is first release which I maintain and I hope that it will be our best release — nearly one year passed since we released 3.5.3… We added WPA support to all kernels, many updates to most of packages, fixed some long standing bugs. Whole list of changes is so long that I will not provide it.

    Time for celebrating :)

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  5. Now bsuite powered

    Few days ago I did a search for WordPress statistics plugins and found bsuite. It’s working and have nice addition: show Technorati tags and use tagged posts to provide links to other related posts.

    I created few patches to bsuite:

    • [tags] support
    • do not show empty ‘Related’
    • move formatting to CSS

    I will add some statistics into sidebar when find time for it.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  6. New hosting

    I moved from friend’s server to hosting center. What was changed?

    • del.icio.us bookmarks are fetched from PHP code (not Javascript like it was) — has to work on it a bit
    • I have IMAP now
    • more domains
    • more control over account
    • SPAM filtering
    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  7. Klub anonimowych literkoholików

    Cześć jestem Hrw i też jestem uzależniony od czytania.

    Czytać zacząłem mając latek ponoć około 5-ciu. Potem było już tylko gorzej… Ze szkolnej biblioteki przestałem korzystać pod koniec siódmej klasy bo nie było w niej nic do czytania (brałem od tej pory tylko lektury). Tam też ustanowiłem swój rekord wypożyczeń: 14 książek jednocześnie (to był Winetou w zeszytach).

    Z bibliotekami to w ogóle miałem tak jakoś inaczej — przychodziłem, kładłem oddawane książki na biurko bibliotekarki i wybierałem nowe — dopiero na studiach musiałem się przedstawiać… No ale to pewnie ze względu na fakt, że tam nie odwiedziałem biblioteki 2 razy w tygodniu ;)

    Potrafiłem o 16 przyjechać z technikum, zjeść obiad, pójść do biblioteki wymienić książki na nieczytane i przeczytać jedną 400-500 stronicową przed północą. A rekord czytelniczy ustanowiłem w drugiej klasie podstawówki: 800 stron w ciągu dnia — niestety nie pamiętam już co to było…

    A teraz? Od jakiegoś czasu nie mogę się zebrać i poszukać biblioteki w okolicy z sensownym wyborem pozycji… Jak czytam wypowiedzi o polskiej fantastyce to równie dobrze mogłoby to być o wierszach Eskimosów bo się nie orientuję… Ale nie zmienia to faktu, że czytam nadal.

    A piszę to wszystko przez YaaL i jej małe pole na komentarz ;)

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  8. Two years with Zaurus

    Saturday was an anniversary — two years since I bought my first Zaurus: SL-5500. Year ago I wrote quite long text about my first year with Zaurus. I already summarized previous year in “2005 timeline” but some things were done in 2006 too.

    Since January I have OZ 3.5.4 test program to get new release well tested before release. There were 3 test releases for testers, some code fixed/changed, we got Tosa (SL-6000) working out-of-box like it should work. Some poodle (SL-5600) users got organized to provide one such machine for OpenEmbedded/OpenZaurus team so we could improve it’s support (we lack device).

    I also added some branding into images to get GPE and OPIE enviroments inform users that they use OpenZaurus 3.5.4 not OpenEmbedded like GPE System Information show before.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
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