Today I started to use wrist brace on my left hand. It limit my hand movement a lot (I cannot write as fast as before on keyboard) but pain was gone.
I will have C760 :)
Thx to Richard Jackson I will have Sharp Zaurus C760 PDA with some extra hardware. This will allow me to extend my work on OpenZaurus with supporting also 2.6 kernel.
Thought it was about time I gave something back to the community and it seems like everyone would benfit if you had a bit more kit to test on so I have decided to donate my 760 along with a 256 sd card and a D-Link DCF-660W wireless card plus a bluetooth USB dongle.
Today is a great day :)
Poszukiwana klawiatura
W związku z problemami z nadgarstkami poszukuję sprawnej nieuszkodzonej klawiatury Microsoft Natural Keyboard Elite (najchętniej 2 sztuki). Mam już taką jedną i pisze mi się na niej wygodniej niż na zwykłej klawiaturze. Jednak by miało to sens muszę mieć jedną w domu a drugą w pracy (trzecia pójdzie do Ani do pracy).
Poszukuję dokładnie tej wersji gdyż jest to chyba ostatnia klawiatura Microsoftu z normalnym obłożeniem klawiszy. Następne mają kursory w kształcie “+” zamiast odwróconego “T” a jestem zbyt przyzwyczajony do normalnego layoutu.
Pages cleaning
Today I created cleaner structure of all “Pages”, They are now split into Polish one and English one. “OPIE i TTF” is now translated to English — maybe someone find it useful (write a comment about it).
I also wrote page about donations.
Finally moved to Wordpress
As You can see I finally managed to get Wordpress running. This is 3th (or 4th) version of my website and I hope that this time it will stay for much longer and that I will use it more often to publish some OpenEmbedded related articles and informations.
Some texts will be written in English, some in Polish language (especially those about how to make something).
Old content was available as Wiki now is moved into Wordpress.