1. Goodbye x86

    In last Friday I made architecture change — sold AthlonXP 2200+ which I used during last 3 years and bought Athlon64 3200+ with DFI RS482 Infinity mainboard. This is 3rd such change for me. First it was from 6502 (Atari 65XE) to m68k (Amiga), then to x86.

    Most of time which I spent with computer during weekend was fighting with machine. I made backup of my previous Debian installation and decided to install Debian ‘sid’ from scratch — of course for AMD64. Then I spend few hours to get fglrx driver working (will write more about it later). Now two problems left to resolve:

    • get sound working (I have atiixp: codec read timeout messages which are known bug related to ACPI probably)
    • get KDE working properly (Control Center list only one module but I have all of them installed)

    But even with those problems I’m satisfied. Machine is fast (can be overclocked by ~25% if needed), I have faster gfx card then before (had Matrox G400 and Nvidia GeForce 4 MX440).

    And now I have OE build running — building my own umbaumba distro for spitz.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  2. 30 months of OpenEmbedded and me

    During discussion with some users on #openzaurus channel I discovered that about 30 months passed since I’m using OpenEmbedded for building software.

    First attempts were used to build extra packages for my SL-5500 running OpenZaurus 3.3.6-pre1, then I built OZ “3.5.0” for it and worked on getting OPIE working correctly when compiled with gcc 3.4.x (loading 40MiB large libqte2/libqpe1 inside of gdb to get backtraces). Time passed, new machines appeared: first Zaurus C760, then Linksys WRT54GS.

    My wrt54 runs under OpenWRT distribution so I’m able to build additional packages for it with OpenEmbedded (MACHINE=”wrt54” DISTRO=”wrt54oe” combo) and they works. Of course they are unofficial because OpenWRT team use own buildsystem.

    One of my common targets is MACHINE=”native” which I used for OPIE development or building needed tools on remote machines where it was easier then pestering administrators to install ‘mc’ or ‘git’.

    Recently I used OE to build system for omap5912osk developer board used by CELF in their testlab. Creating new distribution was interesting because I learnt lot about how ‘task-base’ works and why it is good solution for our targets.

    Soon I will have new target — this time it will be x86 based webpad. But I will write more about it when it arrive and start working.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  3. Machine power

    During my work on OpenEmbedded project I have access to misc computers used for builds. Mostly they are AMD64 or Intel Pentium D ones running in 32 mode.

    One day I got access to build machine inside of company intranet. To get to it I have to login on ‘router’ one which only work is serving few pages and giving access to intranet ones. And man.. its also speed daemon…

    Sometimes I feel that my home machine is from other era..

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  4. Sony Ericsson k750i - why I like it

    After one month I can write something more about my phone.

    Bad things:

    • It can not be in one pocket with keys — case is scratched and display got some scratches too.
    • FM radio sometimes mute for few seconds — not good when you go to work and there is nice song played.
    • Opensync can duplicate addressbook with ‘UnNamed’ entries.
    • No possibility to turn off sound on making photos.

    Good things:

    • When I want to send SMS/MMS I can select from list of last recipients, select from contacts or enter number. None of my previous phones had list of last recipients.
    • All those animations on sending, calling are not annoying — they are simple and give proper info.
    • Delivery reports are linked to SMS/MMS like it should be done. When I had Nokia phone I had to think to which message I got report.
    • Recurrent alarm — I set it to working days at 08:00 so I do not have to use my wrist watch as alarm clock.
    • FM radio — it was usefull when I was on OEDEM (do you know that Berlin has 29 FM stations?)

    One day I will have to check how newer version of opensync works with this phone.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  5. Firefox 2.0 released

    IN Tuesday Mozilla Foundation released Firefox 2.0 version. Many websites wrote about it so I will not list what is new. There is one more reason to not do it — for me most of those new features are not new — during last 2 years I mostly use nightly builds of Firefox^W Bon Echo — first it was 1.5 nightly when other people used 1.0.x line, then I used 2.0 nightly during 1.5.0.x times.

    Many extensions needed a bit of hacking (mostly bumping of MaxVersion), I had to edit my favorite theme (LittleFox) to get proper displaying but it was easy. Some authors were releasing updated (mostly ‘developers’) versions for 2.0-pre/rc versions.

    Yesterday I tried Firefox^W Minefield 3.0 and now I have to decide will I use 2.0 or move to 3.0 version. One of nice things is plugin for del.icio.us bookmarks integration, which replace normal bookmarks. But installing it also means user cannot create non-del.icio.us bookmarks so I will rather remove it..

    Anyway with release of Firefox 2.0 it is time to switch — from 1.5.0.x to 2.0 for ones and 2.0 -> 3.0 for me.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  6. Prezentacja

    Wczoraj prowadziłem wykład o OpenEmbedded w ramach cyklu wykładów organizowanych przez PLUG Poznań. Miałem zacząć o 18:00 ale uznaliśmy z organizatorem, że zaczekamy z 10 minut (na sali było 8-10 osób). Ostatecznie było około 20 osób.

    Mówiłem około godziny, po czym padło kilka pytań — ogólnie miałem wrażenie, że wiele osób nie wiedziało zbytnio o czym mówię. Nie wiem czy było to spowodowane moim wystąpieniem czy faktem, że projekt OpenEmbedded jest mało znany w Polsce.

    Po wykładzie przy kawce kolega z pracy zaskoczył mnie najbardziej mówiąc

    Nie miałem pojęcia, że OpenEmbedded jest tak dużym projektem. Myślałem, że to coś do palmtopów…

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  7. RPM is Really Poorly Maintained

    I created openembedded-essential package for Debian derived distributions which depend on all packages required by OpenEmbedded. It took me about 5 minutes to get first version working and 15 to get it polished. Resulting package depends on needed stuff and contain only own changelog.

    Then I tried to create RPM version for all those Red Hat/Fedora/Mandriva derived distros… RPM HowTo is from 1999 year and RPM 4.4.1 refuse to work with spec from this HowTo. So I started to dig for other manuals — found one from 2002, then some others. But still no idea how to build RPM package which DOES NOT have sources and/or patches — just pure dependencies and own changelog.

    How does RPM based maintainers do their job? Thats probably a good question…

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  8. Google Summer of Code T-Shirt arrived

    When I was checking my mailbox (snail one) I met guy from FedEx who wanted to enter building and called my flat via intercom. I asked him does package is for my fiancee or for me and because it was for me I took it from him. At home I discovered that this unexpected package was from Google with black XL T-Shirt from GSoC program.

    US sizes are bigger then Europe ones…

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