1. Two years with Zaurus

    Saturday was an anniversary — two years since I bought my first Zaurus: SL-5500. Year ago I wrote quite long text about my first year with Zaurus. I already summarized previous year in “2005 timeline” but some things were done in 2006 too.

    Since January I have OZ 3.5.4 test program to get new release well tested before release. There were 3 test releases for testers, some code fixed/changed, we got Tosa (SL-6000) working out-of-box like it should work. Some poodle (SL-5600) users got organized to provide one such machine for OpenEmbedded/OpenZaurus team so we could improve it’s support (we lack device).

    I also added some branding into images to get GPE and OPIE enviroments inform users that they use OpenZaurus 3.5.4 not OpenEmbedded like GPE System Information show before.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  2. ReiserFS is going bye-bye

    In the morning I turned on home computer and during KDE startup I got many error requesters such like “unable to write file umbaumba” which was bad. After quick look I found that ~/.kde/share/apps/ directory was changed to something strange…

    Quick "init 1" and started "reiserfsck --fix-fixable /dev/hda6" (after umounting of course). If found 2 fatal errors…

    I get this partition working but now it’s time to get rid of reiserfs — I’ll move to XFS.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  3. Another Nokia product which I do not like.

    I have Socket Bluetooth Compact Flash card — it’s Rev F so it is based on Nokia DTL-1/DTL-4 card and use dtl1_cs driver.

    Card lack any developer documentation, does not survive suspend/resume which make it very hard to use in Zaurus (I have to eject/insert it after each resume), is limited to 230400 bps… And have some extra problems — each time when I have it in my Zaurus C760 I wonder “will it work this time or not?” because by most of time it is not even seen:

    root@c7x0:~# cardctl eject;cardctl insert;cardctl ident
    Socket 0:
      no product info available
    root@c7x0:~# dmesg|tail -n1
    cs: pcmcia_socket0: time out after reset.

    Anyone want to exchange for any serial_cs based card?

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  4. Zespoły grające na weselach

    W weekend z Anią szukałem zespołu na nasze wesele — byliśmy w czterech miejscach.

    Muszę przyznać, że co jak co ale znaleść taką ekipę której da się słuchać to ciężko jest… fałszują muzycznie, fałszują śpiewając… Popularne problemy to wypadanie z rytmu, braki powietrza (wokalistka jednego zespołu brzmiała jakby miała zaraz zemdleć). Gościu od jednego z zespołów chwalił się, że oni nie grają na syntezatorach ale na prawdziwych instrumentach (2 gitary, perkusja itp) po czym puścił kawałek, który w oryginale jest głównie grany na skrzypcach — żenada to najlepsze określenie tego “wykonania”… To ja już wolę ekipę z “parapetem” przy której wiem, że większość czasu może będzie z automatu lecieć ale przynajmniej “brzmień” im nie braknie.

    Inna sprawa to repertuar — niektóre zespoły mają przygotowaną listę utworów, inne nie. Czasem ta lista poraża… kawałki “weselne” z czasów kiedy nasi rodzice się żenili, mało jakichś “nowości”… Na szczęście z reguły można się dogadać, czego mają nie grać z tego co oferują — pytanie ile zespołów będzie o tym pamiętać w trakcie imprezy (na wypadek jakby ktoś z gości poprosił).

    No ale nic to — następny weekend to następne zespoły do sprawdzenia i raczej trzeba będzie coś wybrać — w końcu ile można szukać…

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  5. Pong clock

    Buro Vormkrijgers started selling Pong Clock for 199 EUR. I want one…

    This is not only a clock — you can play Pong on it (but only player againt computer — no dual player).

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  6. testing OpenZaurus 3.5.4

    During last days I built OpenZaurus 3.5.4 images for all machines. It took dwo days, 12 gigabytes of disc space but was worth it.

    So many users signed for testing — much more then I expected — this release will probably get more testing then any before. I have few tweaks to add anyway but have to test them on own devices first.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  7. Highlander: Endgame

    Yesterday evening.. I finished watching Highlander trilogy.

    Years ago it was “Highlander” at the cinema (later several times in TV) where all that started and at the end there was the only one. Eight years passed and “Highlander III: The Sorcerer” was released and again I watched it at cinema. And finally in 2000 they produced “Highlander: Endgame” movie which give some info why there is no Connor MacLeod in “HighLander” TV serie. Why I missed it before.. probably it was not popular at cinemas in this part of Europe..

    Small note for those who think that I missed II part — I do not think that “Highlander II: The Quickening” is a movie about same guys — too much changed from good movie to useless crap.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
  8. Linux crashes

    My home desktop became a bit unstable in last time and I do not have an idea why. The most irritating things is that Linux does not help with it. For example I watch movie and system hangs so badly that even SysRq does not work so I have to reboot. But after reboot I do not have any way to get info what happened (kind of dmesg from hang would be great).

    When I used Linux on Amiga there was a tool to search for dmesg in whole memory after reboot. I want it on my x86 box.

    Written by Marcin Juszkiewicz on
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