I decided to write about our honeymoon in few parts. Instead of writing day by day I will write about misc things in each part.
We spent two weeks on Zakynthos island (also known as Zante). It is one of Ionian islands with only few small cities full of tourists. Due to fact that most of them came from UK there are many annoyances everywhere:
- all meals contains chips (french fries)
- even fast food contains chips (hopefully not all)
- all informations are in English and many of them do not even have a text in Greek
- informations like “when you go home to UK you can take xxxx cigarettes” in shops
- fat British girls are ugly
- English looks like main language on island as it is hard to hear other language on the streets
But all of those annoyances can be ignored :)

We had a room at Katerina Palace in Argassi. In catalog it was written that it is few houndred meters from the beach but I would not call it a beach — it was just sea. Nearest sand beach is few kilometers from Argassi — you can get there by free bus from “Avalon” pub and it is really nice place to spend some time (the beach of course).
Speaking about sea… It is very clean but also awfully salty :)