27 articles tagged red hat

February 2024
12. Twenty years of my work with Arm architecture
March 2023
15. Another Apple product at home
April 2021
8. Five years @linaro.org
December 2020
10. So long, and thanks for all the fun
September 2020
23. 8 years of my work on AArch64
March 2020
26. Kapturek, Gossamer, Blossom!
February 2020
11. My whole career is built on FOSS
July 2019
25. Kolla ‘stein’ released
March 2019
20. Moving Kolla images to Python 3
November 2018
27. AArch64 on AWS
20. Red Hat Platform Enablement meeting week
October 2018
28. 20?8 is year of acquiring?
March 2018
26. 25 years of Red Hat
January 2018
19. Devconf.cz? FOSDEM? PTG? Linaro Connect?
November 2017
17. I am now core reviewer in Kolla
October 2017
25. Donated blood
April 2016
19. My workflow for building big sets of RPM packages
March 2016
7. Cello: new AArch64 enterprise board from 96boards project
November 2015
20. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server for ARM 7.2 Development Preview released!
October 2014
30. USB on Mustang
8. 2 years of AArch64 work
June 2014
25. From the diary of AArch64 porter — testsuites
10. AArch64 is in the house
November 2013
19. From the diary of AArch64 porter — rpm packaging
September 2013
9. My own company started 8th year today
August 2013
1. New job: Senior Software Engineer @ Red Hat
June 2013
13. Red Hat and real AArch64 hardware today