Archives for 2013

November 2013
26. I will stay with VirtualBox for a bit longer
25. Boże Narodzenia a książki dla dzieci / Christmas and children books
19. From the diary of AArch64 porter — rpm packaging
October 2013
28. I miss Debian tools
26. From the diary of AArch64 porter — autoconf
6. My father died
September 2013
23. TouchWiz? Thanks, but no
9. My own company started 8th year today
4. My first day with Fedora
3. New boot setup of my Chromebook
1. 13:58 hrw@tygrysek:~$ sudo poweroff
August 2013
21. Ingress on vacations
1. I am going with Fedora on Chromebook
1. New job: Senior Software Engineer @ Red Hat
July 2013
27. I am older again
22. Booted mainline kernel on Chromebook
15. I have a new time waster: Ingress
8. Remote Linaro Connect
4. On my own again
June 2013
19. I saw so many computers at Pixel Heaven 2013
13. Red Hat and real AArch64 hardware today
8. ARMology
7. Arch Linux ARM on Chromebook
6. Booted my Dragonboard
May 2013
31. My time at Linaro is over
29. My UK trip — Cambridge
23. My UK trip — London
11. Call for ALSA UCM profiles
9. State of Linaro layers for OpenEmbedded
6. Looks like it is time for me to say good bye again
April 2013
30. Linux 3.9 and Chromebook support
26. 3 years at Canonical
23. Time to visit UK again?
22. Death to Raspberry/Pi — Beaglebone Black is on a market
21. Automatic sorting of mailing lists with maildrop
16. Nexus 7 — upgrade or complain?
15. Hardware acceleration on Chromebook
3. Revision 2013
March 2013
28. Organizing books on Kindle sucks
26. 35 months at Linaro
22. Cookies blabla…
11. Linaro Connect Asia 2013 was fun
1. I am going to Hong Kong
February 2013
27. AArch64 port of Debian/Ubuntu is alive!
16. How to update Chrubuntu 12.04 to Ubuntu 13.04
15. Spending whole day with just Chromebook
14. How to install Ubuntu 13.04 on Chromebook
13. Looks like I have to test that Chrubuntu thing
11. Nine years of embedded Linux
8. My wife has a new laptop
5. Chromebook support lands in 13.04
5. FOSDEM 2013
January 2013
30. Going for FOSDEM
30. Chromebook update
29. Boot AArch64 in easy way
17. AArch64 porting update
15. I got interesting job offer and refused
11. Doing OpenEmbedded builds in RAM
7. Started X11 on AArch64
3. 2012 timeline