Archives for 2009

December 2009
18. What will next firmware release for N900 brings?
17. Released sources of my Protracker module player
14. Things to check with Nokia N900
14. Sending N900 back to Nokia
10. N900 — second day
9. N900 arrived
4. Video calls are important feature of today phone
November 2009
30. I wrote module player in Qt
23. DDP — does it has any sense?
21. Some OpenEmbedded/Poky tricks
20. Driving with Ovi Maps
19. Played a bit with Maemo 5 SDK
17. Sim.One #0006 arrived
13. Poky Linux 3.1.2 released
12. Back from OEDEM 2009
10. Discounted Devices Program: N900
3. Back to Poky Linux development
October 2009
30. Sheevaplug updates
27. ELC-E 2009
21. I am now OpenEmbedded e.V. member
19. Nokia N900 discount
19. ST-Ericsson Community Workshop 2009
9. Using packages does not hurt
8. Yet another theme change
5. Home network speed++
September 2009
23. New BUGbase — now with WiFi & Bluetooth
21. ST-Ericsson Open Source Community Workshop 2009
2. I have got BeagleBoard C3
August 2009
31. Gained new skill: plumber
28. VoIP at home
27. OEDEM 2009
6. ELC Europe 2009
4. NHK15 arrived
July 2009
17. Defining good Contacts application
16. Hacking UI for small resolutions
14. 2.6.30 on AT91 board from Atmel
2. Embedded package managers sucks
June 2009
29. Palm SDK has leaked
26. What defines good laptop?
25. I am on the LinuxTag
22. Palm Pre and OpenEmbedded
18. Sending files over Bluetooth to S60 devices
12. TI: please fix your USB
4. EP93xx fight continued…
May 2009
27. My opinion on next Nokia tablet
21. Moblin 2.0 User Interface
15. Sheevaplug arrived
4. Cursing Intel
April 2009
30. New multi I/O card installed
23. Powering all devices
15. EDB9301 hacking
10. OMG! (aka BeagleBoard + LCD)
8. New architecture on my desk
7. How many serial ports are enough?
3. BeagleBoard in a box
March 2009
24. X11 slowness on vortex86sx
23. Thinking about LCD monitor change
18. Five years with OpenEmbedded
5. New interesting devices
4. WordPress plugins which I use on this blog
February 2009
26. Syncing mobile devices
20. Does Vortex86sx based devices are worth something?
13. Serial cables for BUG
12. Contributing to Poky is not hard
January 2009
28. AT91SAM9263-EK board
22. How to install additional software into your OE generated rootfs
2. Good bye Zaurus
2. Started 10 year with Debian