Archives for 2008

December 2008
29. 2008 timeline
22. BUG has arrived
18. Beavers invasion
11. Alix.1c and Koala MiniPC case
8. Company changes
5. I am going to FOSDEM 2009
4. Is it time to replace WRT54GS?
November 2008
28. Unpacked Progear
14. Bug Labs and their BUG device
October 2008
26. Next events
24. Merging stuff from Poky into OpenEmbedded
22. My private buildbot
17. Updates
1. How much RAM/HDD is enough?
September 2008
20. Maemo in QEMU N8x0 emulation presentation
17. Upgraded home network
15. Dissapearing comments
11. Two years of HaeRWu
9. Finally moved
August 2008
28. Back from holidays
12. What do I do for living
5. KDE 4.1? No, thanks
1. Nokia N8x0 emulation part II
July 2008
28. I am 0x20 now
17. Using Poky SDK to build software
16. Back from GUADEC
11. What was on GUADEC 2008
8. Second is very long time
3. GUADEC 2008
1. Packaged staging and what it gives
June 2008
26. How to remove Skype installer from OS2008 menu
17. Choosing next cellphone
12. ATI onboard strikes back
3. Funny gadget from LinuxTag 2008
2. Feel the power of USB with Nokia tablet
May 2008
27. Stuck at 600MHz
26. I found “nice” thing
23. LinkedIn and checking email addresses
20. Back in KDE 3.5
16. Car navigation with N810
10. Am I programmer?
9. Never say never
1. State of ATI RS482 gfx driver
1. Going back to KDE 3?
April 2008
28. Children make funny moves
17. History meme
11. Nokia N800 emulation
10. The curse of Maemo — closed source components
9. CSS Naked day
7. Speeding up BitBake builds
5. Polish layout for N810 hardware keyboard
2. No, I am not moving to London
1. Moving to London
March 2008
31. Very small test of Maemo media players
20. GIT - second try
17. Good bye ipkg, welcome opkg
16. Year with Openmoko
6. Where does my disk space go?
4. Poky Linux 3.1 released
February 2008
24. Bought my first car
22. Resolving ‘Power on drama’
19. I am dad now
16. Calling on Maemo?
14. Pół roku minęło
11. Messing with keyboard on Maemo platform
9. New Wordpress widget: Meta
6. Polish locale for OS2008
6. New Wordpress widget: Recent Comments
5. Localizing Maemo
4. Nokia N810 and fscked charging subsystem
2. My palmtops story
1. Zaurus leather case for free
1. I no longer have collie
January 2008
31. First days with Nokia N810
28. Waiting for N810 to arrive
24. Jak kupić N810 żyjąc w Polsce?
24. Sharp Zaurus and chargers
18. 770 — what to do with it?
16. Building Poky Linux under commercial GNU/Linux distributions
11. Keyboard in palmtops
10. Hrw Big Blue theme for WordPress 2.3
9. Reading books for children
7. How to replace Zaurus PDA?
2. Bluetooth + phone == remote control
1. 2007 timeline